
its free to sign up to Loveable and be a part of our community, you pay for events and experiences you want to attend. We ask that anybody wanting to come to our events provides us with some information about themselves so that we can keep you and everybody safe.

We are a friendly diverse and inclusive organisation welcoming members from all backgrounds and with all abilities.

When you join Loveable you will get  access to our whatsap group chat where you can  make new friends and share interests.  This is a great resource for our members to feel a sense of belonging and to get support and encouragement from their new friends. We also have a parents /carers whatsapp  group chat for  useful  information about our programme of events. We have regular free member only workshops covering topics around healthy friendships & relationships,  staying safe online and sexual health. If you are a member you will receive regular a newsletter from us with resources around whats happening with us and in the local community. 

Once you have filled in the form and joined you are ready to book our events and experiences. They are in the ‘social calendar’ tab on the website. These will either be payable on booking or payable by cash or card at the event. These change every month depending on what members want to do however our pub socials, DJ Club and theatre group are always on monthly. They are staffed with paid staff and Volunteers. 


To ensure everyones safety at Loveable we ask you to fill out a simple application form so we can get to know you better. 

Once the form has been submitted one of our team will be in touch!