Typically, learning disabled and autistic people are left out of conversations around romantic relationships and sexuality. Loneliness is at an all time high and only 3% of people with a learning disability live as a couple, compared to 70% of the general population.
There are many barriers that learning disabled and neurodivergent people can face when it comes to meeting new people, dating, finding and maintaining new relationships. We want to help overcome these barriers.
What will our relationship support look like?
We are not a dating agency as such, however our aims are to open up opportunities for you to meet new people around the County outside of your existing support bubble (eg family or day service) If you meet somebody at any of our socials or events and like them and want to take it further then great! We will help you to set up a date and navigate next steps.
We come into contact with lots of single people who would like to find friends or date, so if we know somebody we think you may match with, and you consent to us doing so, we can introduce you and support you to arrange a date.
If online dating is your thing we will also be offering guidance and advice about how to do this as safely as possible. Keep your eyes peeled for a workshop topic on this, and our website resources on all things dating will be launching soon…
If you are working with somebody with a learning disability or autism and would like some advice on how best to support relationships for the person you support we can also offer signposting to outside agencies. We work closely with 2 local charities SARSAS and SWISH who have specialist learning disability outreach teams and can provide one to one support with issues around sexual violence, sexual health or just general relationship guidance and topics such as boundaries and consent. If you would like us to directly refer you to any of these teams please just contact us or ask in any of our events and sessions.
Hey Loveable CIC